I must have gone insane!

Maybe too much exposure to the sun….which I’m really not that used to.

But as I was scheming and thinking how we could really make a difference and get Video Marketing Pros out there….I had that sudden thought. Why not give away our most valuable piece of work for free?

This might go counter to all thinking…I’ll find out soon enough!

I’m really not sure what the rest of the team will think…

…Probably like you at this stage…why the hell??

This piece of work is absolutely the foundational requirement for you to implement a successful video marketing strategy for your business. Absolutely no questions about it.

And I’m just about to give you pretty much all the pieces.

I’ve been parachuted in to quite a few companies, at a high price, to do this sort of work over the years. Actually, I stopped doing this for a couple of years as it took up so much of my time and quite a bit of effort. That said…I did enjoy it and it’s what I’m best at.

For the last few years I’ve had digital agencies come to me and helped them with this stuff and look smart in front of their clients. While I got on with developing and evolving methods in this rapidly moving digital space. I was their ‘go to’ guy and then would implement and do the work. Seemed easy, they do all the client facing stuff and I get on with the task in hand.

But this is different and I feel strongly that I need to share more of what I’ve been doing with other business owners and help them harness this really powerful medium, which is video marketing.

So, what better way than helping you in advance and let the value of that experience do the selling for me. (The unselling model…which I much prefer 😉)

This is a serious offer, so there are some strict requirements….but I think you’ll find them more than reasonable.

If this sounds of interest, please click on the link, where you’ll learn more about my offer and how you can have me create a custom video marketing blueprint for your business.

After the letter, there’s a short video…which should explain everything you need to know and how it’ll work.

Ok, that’s it.

Just jumping from a very great height….may have to grow wings rapidly on the way down!

Look forward to talking with you soon.


To your success!


P.S. If you don’t understand the critical areas of video marketing…you may want to go through this training first: http://bit.ly/4CriticalAreas